You Can Still Meet That Goal With Below Tips

Remember WHY You Must Achieve It
Every day before you start your day, take some minutes to remember why you need to achieve that goal and imagine where you will be and probably how you will feel after you must have successfully completed it. It could be a personal, career goal or even a learning project. This can motivate you to achieve more before the end of the year.
Break Your Goal Into Smaller, More Achievable Steps
Break down your goal into smaller chunks and Identify each step that will get you closer to your ultimate goal. For example, you want to lose weight, be specific about how much weight you want to lose e.g 20 or 30 pounds then, device a workable means of achieving it.You may want to check what you eat and drink in accordance with your targeted weight and make this your daily routine and stick to the plan. if you must achieve it this year. Small accomplishments on a daily basis will help you succeed over a period of time, It’s not magic but consistency does it. You’ll feel great having achieved your daily goals, and your confidence will grow.
Be Accountable To Someone
Being accountable is key to achieving your goal.In this case, you do not have to be accountable to yourself alone; it is therefore, advisable that you find someone you can trust and share your goal(s) with your spouse, your best friend or colleague, this will keep you from downplaying your ability.It also allows them to help you check your progress and it gives you a push towards achieving your goals.
Be Flexible
Plan for obstacles. Be open-minded, if your goal is to stop taking alcohol this year, and you have been firm with yourself towards achieving that goal but you drank a glass of wine at a friend’s party, its OK! Don’t beat yourself up about it. It doesn’t mean you have to throw away your entire goal; just get back on track the next day.
Set New Deadlines 
It almost the end of the year no doubt, but you can still make the most of it by setting new deadlines.Make it time-bound. For example, make a new list and check in with your progress at every two weeks or even set weekly goals. And when you reach them, celebrate your victories along the way!