Parenting: How to Keep It cool as a Parent

Parenting: How to Keep It cool as a Parent
A Parent is a caregiver of the offspring in their own species. Parenting is the process of promoting and supporting the emotional, physical, intellectual and social development of a child from infancy to parenthood. Most parents has one way or the other lost their temper when a kid misbehave, here are some tips to keep it cool.

Happy Family keeping it cool with their kids
It’s not about you
Most times we parent tends to take kids bad behavior personally, as if what they are doing is a personal attack to our belief system. They are not really doing anything to us, they are kids and they don’t know how to handle themselves when they don’t get what they want. If we don’t make the situation or bad behavior about us we will see more from their perspective and provide solution to the issue.
Be their Guide, Not their Dictator
Parents sometimes control or force their kids to do things there way or behave this way instead of guiding them and showing them different method to carry out the situation. Our kids need to learn how to make their way through the world because we won’t always be around to tell them how to act. The issue with dictating is that when a parent dictates the kids will just carry out the instruction they won’t learn or imbibe anything.
Take a Timeout
When you are angry, the best decision to take is to walk away and breathe and calm down. Talk to them when you are cool and can think straight. This is very hard to do because as a parent we tend to just dive in and try to take care of the situation in the moment.
Know that it’s okay to Make Mistake
Expect to have and face difficulties but to learn from them. Be mindful and careful as the difficulty is happening, try and see this as a good step towards being mindful and compassionate as a parent. Review and check your actions and instead of feeling bad, look for where you can improve and plan ahead of the next time it is going to happen.
The most important tips is to Accept them for who they are, Love them completely and Appreciate them unconditionally.