Key To Building A High-Performing Workplace – Sleep

Sleep isn’t the enemy nor a sign of weakness, it’s your most important asset to creating a high performing company and culture.
Sleep is a condition of body and mind, wherein the nervous system is inactive, the eyes closed, the postural muscles relaxed, and consciousness practically suspended. It is therefore recommended that we get enough quality sleep regularly, as this has a lot of advantages on an individual performance in the workplace.
Taking Lagos as a case study, the average worker doesn’t get enough sleep, because they have to wake up early in order to get to their workplace on time because of traffic and the distance between work and home and they also get back to their homes late at night. This pattern of life affects the sleeping pattern of most people.
Inasmuch as we need to meet with our daily demands at work, it is necessary to have a good quality sleep, as insufficient sleep can affect our mental capabilities, our creative mind, increase our stress level and emotional reactivity, etc.
Companies today, spend a lot on training their employees and even go as far as providing special packages in an attempt to improve their employees’ productivity. However, those initiatives seem great but aren’t completely solving the problem due to the fatigue level of employees.
Therefore, it is paramount for companies to provide a flexible working schedule that provides a period when workers can rest during working hours and this would, in turn, lead to higher productivity of workers, generation of more revenue for the company, and have a greater positive impact on the society at large.