Highly Sensitive People
Highly sensitive people feel more deeply, observe their world in greater detail, need more time to process events and have likely been told for much of their lives by others to “Stop taking things so personally!” Dr. Elaine Aron has been researching psychological and neurological sensitivity since 1991 and has found that many Highly Sensitive people have brain activity and emotional and social functioning responses which are different compared to the majority of the neuro-typical population.
Some of the traits Dr. Aron has found in her research which Highly Sensitive People (HSP) share:
Stronger emotional reaction responses to events.
Take longer to make decisions as they like to think them through in detail. HSP are detail oriented.
Are very aware of others and observant of the actions, feelings and mood of others.
Prefer solo sports but make great team players in a work environment since they think long and deeply about situations.
They are not always introverted but often are mistaken for being introverted or shy when really they need time alone more than perhaps the average person.
Prone to anxiety or depression if in their past they experienced negative events or had a non-supportive upbringing.
They need quiet time and time away from people to decompress, think and process their day. They need “me” time and solitude to recharge.
Have a rich inner life full of dreams, ideas, and creative thinking which needs to be nurtured in order to thrive.
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