Health Benefits of Drinking more Water
The benefits of drinking water can not be over emphasized. It’s no secret that the human body comprises of up to 60% of water . But did you know that on any given day you lose 64 ounces of water through perspiration?
We both know that water consumption is imperative for maintaining hydration. But keeping up with that kind of diminishing supply can seem difficult. Most people feel that staying hydrated means countless trips to the bathroom. Well, before you ride on that notion, let’s figure out just how much water you should be consuming each day.
The recommended water consumption can vary based on age, weight, sex, activity level, and the climate you live in. But generally speaking, women should drink 90 ounces (11 cups) of fluids per day and men should drink 125 ounces (16 cups) per day.
Here are 7 health benefits of drinking more water as outlined by elemental bottles
1. Increases Brain Power and Provides Energy
Need a mental boost? Next time you feel your mental performance diminish, skip the cup of coffee and drink some water.
One of water’s many benefits is an increase in brain power. Since your brain is made of 73% water, drinking it helps you think, focus, concentrate, and stay alert. As a result, your energy levels also improve.
According to research, it doesn’t take much to feel the impact of dehydration. “Being dehydrated by just 2% impairs performance in tasks that require attention, psychomotor, and immediate memory skills, as well as assessment of the subjective state.”
BSX Technologies lists four ways dehydration affects your brain:
1. Dehydration affects your mood.
2. Dehydration reduces your cognitive and motor skills.
3. Dehydration makes you more sensitive to pain.
4. Dehydration affects your memory.
If you begin to feel these dehydration symptoms, grab a glass of water.
2. Flush Out Toxins
You’ve probably heard the expression, “sweat it out.” Water consumption helps your body flush out waste through sweat and urination. This also prevents kidney stones and protects you from urinary tract infections.
Your body is able to naturally detoxify through the use of its lungs, liver, and kidneys. But sometimes we give it more than it can handle (i.e. holiday eating marathons or a few too many drinks over the weekend).
Consider toxins the boats floating through your body. Water is the river that floats those toxins out. Don’t let the water level drop or the toxins make get stuck and cause harm.
3. Improves Your Complexion
It’s understandable that if your body is composed of 60% water, dehydration will harm your skin.
As UW Health points out, your skin is an organ. And water is important for organ function. “If your skin is not getting the sufficient amount of water, the lack of hydration will present itself by turning your skin dry, tight and flaky. Dry skin has less resilience and is more prone to wrinkling.”
Drinking water is great for your skin. It helps to moisturize it, keep it soft, and removes wrinkles.
4. Boosts Immune System
Want to know the easiest way to stay healthy during the cold and flu season? Drink more water!
One of the most common overlooked benefits of drinking water is a healthy immune system. And drinking water has been directly related to a stronger immune system.
According to Fit Day, water strengthens your immune system in two ways: First, it carries oxygen to your body’s cells, which results in properly functioning systems. And secondly (see the third point mentioned), it flushes harmful toxins from your body.
Water has also been shown to reduce the risk of bladder cancer by rapidly flushing toxins from your bladder.
5. Prevents Headaches
One of the most common symptoms of dehydration is headaches. Water is important for brain function. In addition to increasing brain power, drinking water also helps prevent and relieve headaches often caused by dehydration.
Medical News Today explains that a dehydration headache occurs when your body loses essential fluids to function properly. Dehydration can cause the brain to temporarily shrink from fluid loss. This mechanism causes the brain to pull away from the skull, causing pain and resulting in a dehydration headache.
6. Helps Regulate Your Body Temperature
One of the more well-known benefits of water is the way it replenishes your body’s cooling system source – sweat.
Sweat is the natural cooling system of your body. And since water is a key ingredient of your sweat, your body needs enough water to properly regulate your body’s temperature through perspiration.
7. Puts You in a Better Mood
Just as a well-oiled engine runs at top performance, so your body will also work better when properly hydrated. And when your internal systems and organs are running better, you’re more likely to feel better about yourself. In turn, you’re more likely to be in a good mood!
Want to enjoy more benefits of drinking water?
Start your day off right by drinking a glass of water each morning before breakfast. This will jumpstart your mind and body. And carry a reusable water bottle with you throughout the day to ensure you remain hydrated.
Source: elementalbottles