Check Your Health in 5 Minutes
Posted On March 6, 2019
13 Check your health in 5 minutes with the following Checks:
Check 1: Bend your index fingers and put your nails against one another.
Normal: A tiny diamond between the nails
Illness: No space between fingers.
Fingers become thicker when the blood doesn’t have enough oxygen. it can be caused by cardivascular diseases and lung problem
Check 2: Lift your leg up so that the hip is parallel to the floor
Normal: You can stand like that for 20 seconds or more
Illness: You have trouble maintaining balance on one leg
You may have problems with brain vessels that may cause a stroke or dementia
Check 3: Pull your lower eyelid down
Normal: The colour is pink
Illness: The colour is pale pink or yellowish.
Your tissues don’t receive enough oxygen and can’t work at 100%. it may indicate anemia.Watch the video to find out more checks on your health status. Tell us what you think