Are you interested in making money online? This article might just be what you seek. The following freelancing platforms provide you the opportunity to land jobs for clients and get paid upon completion. Additionally, you can also go there to […]
Are you interested in making money online? This article might just be what you seek. The following freelancing platforms provide you the opportunity to land jobs for clients and get paid upon completion. Additionally, you can also go there to […]
You may be side hustling for a while thinking you have everything under control, but taking your hustle full-time is a different ballgame. You’re the captain of the ship. Self-employment can be a lot of pressure since the primary source […]
I’m just going to come out and say it. I hate New Year’s resolutions. We’ve all been there. You start the new year with a spirit of optimism, trying to do something new to make your life better by starting a diet, […]
When people hear new year’s resolutions, they often think of “exercising more,” “spending more time with the family” or “travelling more.” Besides these personal resolutions, you can also create impactful resolutions for your small business. A resolution, after all, is a decision to […]
We will agree that the game-candy crush is one of the most exciting and captivating games that has changed the face of gaming since the advent of Android phones and devices. Interestingly, many people have become addicted to it as […]
Growing your business is often a necessity for your business’s survival, than just a worthy goal. There are different ways to make your business grow faster, this includes: use of customer management system to track transaction, especially as the business […]
There are different means of getting to your target audience, knowing what works best matters the most. This video would help you weigh your options.
You expect business success when you have viable business ideas. The following are ways to generate viable business ideas: Hobby That very thing you do tirelessly with no monetary reward, chances are there are others who enjoy doing the same […]
Time is the one constant we are all given. No one gets more or less of it than anyone else. As leaders, it’s how we spend our time — what we choose to prioritize, and what we choose not to do at […]
Businesses are supposed to make money. So why do small business owners waste money on things they don’t need? Reducing expenses can be tricky, though. How can you tell which expenses are necessary and which ones aren’t? Necessary expenses either […]
I was recently talking with a close friend of mine. She is one of the original six architects in what is now a firm with 50 architects. She was recently nominated for a national award for one of her restaurant […]
Being able to stay focused as a person, can influence a lot of things in your life. But, it’s okay if you don’t know how to… Just relax and read through… Create time blocks: You can achieve this by breaking your […]
If you are taking action on accomplishing your goals, you will experience rejection constantly. If you aren’t, you have to ask yourself if you’re taking big enough steps. Growth happens when you step outside of your comfort zone to do the […]
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