The disheartening story of baby Zara, a nine-month-old baby that was physically and sexually abused by her caretaker’s husband in Malaysia is one sad news that will not only send chills down your spine but also cause you to be […]
The disheartening story of baby Zara, a nine-month-old baby that was physically and sexually abused by her caretaker’s husband in Malaysia is one sad news that will not only send chills down your spine but also cause you to be […]
Going online has become a daily routine, nowadays, of many people’s lives. They do these to get updated, keep in touch with friends, make purchases and so on. Though going online can be a lot beneficial and fun-filled, yet it […]
Most times, when we delete data from our devices, be it a computer or a smartphone, it doesn’t really leave the device. It resides somewhere on the hard drive of the device. Once, a hacker gets remote access to your […]
A bizarre behaviour can be noticed among some of the train commuters in Lagos state that has been found to be dangerous both to the people who exhibit it and the surrounding environment. We see these set of people on […]
Driving safely should always be our top priority whenever we are behind the wheel of a car. This is because we are easily distracted as humans and we, therefore, need to adhere strictly to safety rules while driving. Some of […]
If you’ve had to deal with the issue of not being able to retrieve vital business documents (as a result of stolen or damaged pc), you’ll easily understand the role of the cloud on keeping your business safe. The cloud […]
The management of the National Information Technology Development Agency (NITDA) would like to bring to the attention of Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs), other government establishments, the organised private sector and the general public of potential cyber-attacks likely to be […]
Smart doorbells might be the next must-have gadgets for the smart home. Startups and big manufacturers alike are developing camera-equipped doorbells that let homeowners answer the door from their smartphones.
The RoboSimian disaster-response robot has four limbs, seven cameras and a LiDAR system.
Is this convenience or invading your privacy? Facebook has launched a new feature that will notify a person if a photo of them has been uploaded onto the site, even if it’s not tagged . The technology makes use of […]
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