Baby’s Legs Amputated After Being Swung By Cruel Parents

Little Tony Smith who was held in the legs with his head pointing downwards finally had his legs amputated as he suffered eight fractures to limbs and then developed life-threatening septicaemia.
He had fractures to both thighbones, both lower legs, the right lower leg and ankle, and fractures to the base of the left thumb and two bones in the big toe.
Like, the injuries weren’t enough, his parents delayed taking him to the doctors for nine hours because they had claimed they had to wait for a plumber to mend a broken boiler.
However, at the time he was eventually taken to see their GP, he was gravely ill with his eyes closed and his lower limbs hard and swollen.
The Parents of the 41 days old baby, Jody Simpson (now 24 years) and Anthony Smith (now 46 years), were both jailed for 10 years at Maidstonte Crown Court on Friday.
**What could have an innocent 41 days old child done to deserve such from his parent? Nonetheless, aside from the cruel act of his parents, people should be careful in the way they carry babies, in order not to inflict injuries on them.