Are you interested in making money online? This article might just be what you seek. The following freelancing platforms provide you the opportunity to land jobs for clients and get paid upon completion. Additionally, you can also go there to […]
Are you interested in making money online? This article might just be what you seek. The following freelancing platforms provide you the opportunity to land jobs for clients and get paid upon completion. Additionally, you can also go there to […]
A great number of photos are taking daily on mobile phone and it has become something we all engage in our various activities. Photo quality has now become a thing of concern as we all in one way or the […]
I got to know about AnyDesk recently and my journey with it so far has been bliss. AnyDesk makes it easy for you to access another computer’s desktop remotely right from your computer. If you are a IT personnel, I […]
People easily get caught up in the never ending cycle of work, sleep and repeat, but after a while, your body starts to scream, demanding that you to pay attention to its needs. You need to remember that your body […]
Major advancement in technology has made a lot of everyday activities easier to complete most importantly, learning new stuff. Online learning is at the forefront of technological advancements. With just a computer or mobile device with internet access one can […]
The internet is abuzz today with worries about the latest tech-fad-turned-health-hazard, with headlines warning that wireless headphones—like Apple’s trendy AirPods—are a potential source of cancer. And yes, articles claiming that the little white devices could “pump radiation into your brain” […]
Today, I’ll be sharing one of the positive perks of Social Media in our community. A couple of Fintechs and Financial Institution have employed the use of social media platforms to engage and serve their customers better thereby increasing their […]
Have you had troubles finding your way around Lagos using Public Transport? Do you find it worrisome seeking assistance from people just to get to your destination? Do you miss your way after getting directions from people? What if I […]
This opinion poll shows different views about VoIP Calls vs Airtime Calls and how it relates to being broke or not. The 21st Century internet has had several effect on our culture and has brought about some weird stereotypes especially […]
Rest is an essential component of working well and working smart. In order to derive maximum results from work, it necessary to know how to rest to boost your productivity. Rest has a bad rap in our culture. Most of […]
Electronic mail or e-mail has been in circulation for more than four decades and is still widely used. Whether you use it for an official purpose or a personal one, email has always been a highly effective form of online […]
Anger is a normal and even healthy emotion — but it’s important to deal with it in a positive way. Uncontrolled anger can take a toll on both your health and your relationships. It is important to note that anger […]
Making a safe and secured password may seem like a daunting task, especially when the recommendation is to have a unique password for each site you visit. Anyone would be overwhelmed if they had to create and memorize multiple passwords […]