A gluten-free diet isn’t just expensive, it’s bad for your health
A gluten-free diet isn’t as beneficial for your health as many are led to believe, according to a new study.
Researchers from the University of Hertfordshire compared the nutrient content and cost of regular versus gluten-free food products in the UK.
And findings published in the Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics indicate that a diet free from gluten is not only more expensive but isn’t a healthier alternative, either.
Of course, for those with medical conditions such as coeliac disease, gluten-free foods are quintessential for their wellbeing.
But according to researchers, people without a gluten intolerance should think twice before cutting it from their diet.
The study states that: ‘GF [gluten-free] food is unlikely to offer healthier alternatives to regular foods, except for those who require a GF diet for medically diagnosed conditions, and it is associated with higher costs’.
And findings indicate that gluten-free food products contain more saturated fat, sugar and salt than other food items. They are also found to be lower in fibre and protein content.
While in terms of cost, gluten-free food products are more expensive than their regular counterparts.
According to the study, gluten-free items are approximately 159 percent more expensive than other foods on the supermarket shelves.
And despite the fact that only one in every 100 people in the UK suffers from coeliac disease, sales of ‘free from’ products jumped by 36 percent in April last year in comparison to figures in 2016.