7 Tips that can make a Relationship Work
For a relationship to work is not some luck, it requires proper effort and hard work to keep it going. Marriage is for a lifetime. A relationship is a way in which two or more people are connected or connected to make things work WHILE Marriage refers to the legally or formally recognized union of two people as partner in a personal relationship. But not all relationship leads to marriage. Love is a beautiful thing, it can grow and can also die. The two persons in a relationship matters a lot because they determine whether the relationship will work or not. Love is based on Facts and Functionalities.
Here are the 7 tips that can make a Relationship work, They include:
There is Adage that says “your character takes you far more than your beauty”. Character matters a lot in a relationship. Character is the mental and moral qualities distinctive to an individual. There are qualities your partner see in you before he asked you to be in a relationship. Work adequate on your character, it might not show or your partner might be overlooking it but later it will eventually come out.
You must be Ready-
Must people enter relationship with knowing whether they are ready to commit or move forward with this person or not. They just date or find themselves in the relationship. Make sure the two of you ask your selves this questions.
i. Are you ready to be accountable to each other?
ii. Are you ready to be responsible to someone?
You must be able to provide answers to these questions because marriage is between two accountable people.
Marry/Date your Friend-
Date your Friend is important because marriage requires two mature people that are willing and able to be open to themselves. Don’t eliminate Friendship, Be real to each other. Whenever friendship is eliminated, pressure tend to set in.
You should have Mutual Values-
For a relationship to work also you both must have mutual values. values are very crucial in a relationship. sometimes our background affects our individual values. Values are important and lasting beliefs or ideals shared by the member of a culture about what is good or bad and also desirable or undesirable.
Your Vision and Interest must be Compatible-
Your purpose must align. it must go hand in hand so that it can help both of you in the journey of the relationship. You both should also have something you both has the same interest in, it aids the relationship.
There must be Mutual Control (self control)-
There must self control and respect in the relationship.
Mutual Trust-
Another important aspect of the relationship is trust. Learn and Grow to trust each other, it strengthens the relationship.