The primary elections have come and gone, and of course there have been suggestions and speculations by all and sundry concerning the 2019 general elections. Who will win what position(s) and represent us well at what capacity? With various campaign posters and billboards of different party flag-bearers vying for positions, one cannot help but think about the honesty, motives and desires of these candidate competing for these positions.
You will also wonder if they can manage these positions well if given the opportunity to do so by the citizenry through their vote. Managing a position actually starts from within, can your candidate manage his or herself well enough to extend such service to the public? Are they able to put things in order even in their homes? Are they upright in their dealings with their family members who are their first subjects? How well did they deliver in their previous places of assignment and so on? All these questions are important but more importantly we citizens should ask ourselves these question:
- Why are we voting our candidate(s)?
- Are we voting for a party or the candidate(s)?
- Are we voting to win alone?
- Do we love our country well enough to vote wisely for its betterment?
- What role do we play to ensure a successful, violence-free election?
- Are we willing to participate in the election by casting our vote to see the change that we want or are we going to sit around and let the candidates whether fit or unfit assume offices unopposed while we continue the blame-game?
It is therefore pertinent that we vote for the candidate and not the party. There are so many candidates we can choose from not necessarily the political parties on the fore-front. When we decide to vote for a candidate rather than voting for a political party, we can begin to consider;
- Who the candidate is?
- What feat has he or she achieved?
- What potential does he or she have? Not relying solely on manifesto they will provide as it can be tailored to suit the seasons.
This way, we are allowing our conscience guide us through voting wisely and if they win or lose, you have satisfied your conscience other than jumping on a bandwagon to vote for a party. As Nigerians, if we show apathy towards the coming general elections; then we might as well be opting in for another round of stagnancy and complains but we can choose to be game-changers by getting our voter’s card ready and going out to exercise our civic right-VOTE– during the general elections and see the change we desire.